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Gwent Police Force Area Mobile Crane Embargo Trial

26 Jun 2024 11:04 | Anonymous

This news item has now been updated/superseded - click here for latest news. 

In Co-operation with the HTA, Gwent Police are exploring options to a route for lifting Embargo Times for a small proportion of Abnormal Loads to assist the industry.

This trial will commence for Mobile Cranes within the Gwent Police Force area initially and will be evidence led based on traffic data to pave the way for expansion of the trial.  It is hoped that neighbouring forces will also come on board during the trial as the HTA and Gwent Police Commercial Vehicle Unit work together to make this a success.

The first stage of the trial will only apply to mobile cranes starting on Monday 15th July 2024 with set conditions.

The Mobile Crane MUST:-

  • Be a motor vehicle that’s specially designed or built to carry out lifting operations
  • A motor vehicle which has a crane permanently mounted as part of the vehicle chassis design (the definition excludes lorry mounted cranes)
  • Have a Gross Vehicle Weight of 80T or Less
  • Have a Maximum Width of 3m
  • Have a Maximum Length of 25.9m
  • Will be implemented subject to regular review for the trial period over 3 months
  • Will comply with any specific embargo conditions that may be implemented during the course of the trial such as no travel during one off peak times such as football matches, concerts, which will be notified in advance to opted in operators

No Embargo Routes

The routes currently covered will expand during the trial as data becomes available to rationalise any decisions made. Main routes covered by the embargo include:

  • M4 between J28 and J22
  • A48 Between J24 and J28
  • A449
  • A40
  • A465

Operators wishing to opt into this trial will need to request to be included by contacting

Operators will need to provide their company operating name, transport manager name and best contact information including eMail and phone number in order to receive updates and additional information as the trial progresses.

If the operator utilising any of the embargo exempt routes as part of their journey requires to utilise other roads in order to reach their destination, this will be permitted on a case-by-case basis for the period of the trial and an email will need to be submitted to request authority at least 48hrs in advance of movement.

Additional information will be released in due course to operators opted in and the HTA to see how this trial could be potentially expanded for other operators in addition to mobile cranes within the industry

Operators not opted into the trial will have no Embargo exemption.

The Heavy Transport Association,
The White House, High Street,
Tattenhall, Chester, Cheshire CH3 9PX

t: +44 (0)1829 773 104